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World Bank & IMF Spring Meetings 2006

The meetings in Washington for the boards of the World Bank and IMF concentrated on the future role of the IMF and on Paul Wolfowitz’s high profile announcements on corruption. On debt, further steps were taken to implement the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI otherwise known as the G8 debt deal.) and both boards accepted a list of 11 potential new HIPC countries that could qualify for debt relief. Our email action concentrated on the fact that many more countries are in desperate need of debt relief and yet by the standards of the World Bank and IMF only 16 countries’ debts were analysed. The World Bank and IMF only recognise a country’s need for debt cancellation if they are unable to pay back their debts which can mask a more vital human development need. We will continue to call on the World Bank and IMF to grant debt cancellation on the basis of human need.

For more information on what happened at the meetings please visit Bretton Woods Project for a full update

Existing HIPC Countries
Potential new HIPC Countries
Completion point Decision Point  
Benin Burndi Togo
Bolivia Cameron Haiti
Burkina Faso Republic of Congo Kyrgyz. Rep.
Ethiopia Dem Rep. of Congo Nepal
Ghana Chad Central African Rep.
Guyana The Gambia Comoros
Honduras Guinea Cote d'voire
Madagascar Guinea-Bissau Liberia
Mali Malawi Somalia
Maurtania Sao Tome Principe Eritrea
Mozambique Sierra Leone Sudan


Text of the letter sent to Gordon Brown

Dear Gordon Brown,

I wish to congratulate you on the progress made in securing the Gleneagles debt deal at the IMF and just last month at the World Bank. The delay proposed by the World Bank would
have cost lives.

However, I believe this is no time to take the foot off the pedal. We would like you to voice our following concerns at the annual Spring meetings of the World Bank and IMF.

1. You have said that more than 60 countries desperately need debt cancellation. However, only 17 currently qualify. By the end of 2006 no more countries will be allowed to join the list of HIPC countries. By that time seven more will hopefully qualify (Central African Republic, Cote D'Ivoire, Haiti, Kyrgyz Republic,Lao, Nepal and Togo). But others such as Jamaica, Kenya and Ecuador will not be considered poor or indebted enough.

Denying access to vital debt relief is wrong and I call on you extend the Multilateral
Debt Relief Initiative to all countries which need it to reach the internationally agreed Millennium Development Goals.

2. Secondly, I call on you to push for the World Bank and IMF to cut the strings attached to debt relief and the HIPC initiative. The international financial institutions must end attaching harmful economic conditions to debt relief, just as the UK government has said they will do on aid.

Yours Sincerely,

Debt campaigner
Jubilee Scotland

© 2006 Jubilee Scotland

Last modified 13-Apr-2007

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