So what do we want? money and lots of it
We are calling on Secretary of State
for International Development Hilary Benn to:
§ use
his influence at the World Bank and IMF to stop these institutions
attaching harmful economic conditions to debt relief. Hilary Benn
as the UK director at the World Bank has pledged to push this issue
at the World Bank and IMF meetings in 2006. It is key that Hilary
Benn is pressured by campaigners to make this happen and for the
UK to continue its lead internationally on debt.
§ Extend
the UK policy on aid to debt relief. (It is now UK policy not to
make aid conditional on specific policy decisions such as privatisation
and trade liberalisation). In March 2005 the UK government published
an encouraging policy change de-linking the money they spend on
international aid with harmful demands. The policy paper spoke of
the controversial nature of some of these strings and highlighted
the fact that policies cannot work unless they are developed and
implemented without political or economic coercion. This is a very
important point as the UK government should be consistent on this
policy whether dealing with aid or debt relief. The UK have responded
to this call previously by stating that they are tied to World Bank
and IMF rules dictating the strings attached to debt relief. This
is unacceptable in light of their new policy on aid and should be
accordingly matched by a refusal to add strings to debt relief.
§ Deliver UK debt cancellation
without reference to World Bank or IMF conditions. If the UK is
truly committed to debt cancellation then they must grant unconditional
cancellation outside the HIPC framework with all its strings attached.
So far, the UK has only cancelled debts that are owed to Britain
(bilateral debt), to those who have reached HIPC completion point.
We call on the UK to grant 100% debt cancellation to all those that
need it regardless of their HIPC status.