most valuable contribution you can make to Jubilee Scotland is to
join our campaign and take action, but this does not mean that donations
are unwelcome! Money is vital for effective campaigning, whether
to produce high quality printed materials or to ensure that campaign
events make a real impact.
There are a variety of ways to make a donation:
Please click
here to download a donation form or
here if you would like to give regularly to Jubilee Scotland.
Both forms include a Gift Aid declaration.
Gift Aid allows charities to reclaim tax on all donations, so for
every £1 you give we can reclaim an extra 28 pence in tax.
You can therefore increase your gift by nearly a third, and although
it is not costing you anything extra it will make a huge difference
to our campaign.
These forms are in PDF format, so to read it you
will need Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. If you do not
have a copy you can download
it free from Adobe.
Online Donation
here to make a secure tax-efficient credit
or debit card donation.
Give As You Earn
Give As You Earn is the tax-free way to give to charity directly
from your gross pay, with the Government adding 10% to all Give
As You Earn donations until April 2003. If you pay tax under PAYE
you can make regular donations from your salary via your employer
to Jubilee Scotland.
To find out more about payroll giving speak to
your payroll department or telephone Give As You Earn on 01723 520
019 for an information pack or visit
their website.