Lift the Lid on Indonesia

Facts about the G8 debt deal 2005
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One of the most unjust debts that are
being paid to the UK is from Indonesia
for the sale of military equipment in
the 1990s.


In the 1990s the UK sold aircraft and tanks to General
Suharto's repressive
regime in Indonesia, arms that were
used to oppress
civilians and deny human rights. Today,
as Indonesia struggles to create a stable democracy,
people remain burdened with a debt
for these arms that
were used to oppress them. Learn more and join our
demand that the UK cancel these debts and end this terrible injustice.

John Pilger's
'New Rulers of the World'

hawk aircraft



Cancellation of Indonesian Arms Debts
To find out about the Indonesian Arms debts read our short briefing on why these debts are illegitimate why they should be immediately cancelled and what we are asking our MPs to do
Cancellation of Indonesian Arms Debts

scorpion tank

Suharto, the west and Indonesia's debt
Indonesia as a developing country has travelled a rocky road towards democracy, development and a respect for human rights. But this was not helped by the West's support of General Suharto and his dictatorial regime. It was during Suharto's reign and then during the East Timorese independence struggle that the UK sold arms to the Indonesian government. An act of gross irresponsibility and disregard for Indonesian human rights. To find out more about the background to Suharto, the west and Indonesia's debt read this background briefing.
Suharto, the west and Indonesia's debt


We're demanding that Indonesian arms debt owed to the UK must be immediatley cancelled and for the UK to investigate other cases of its own bad lending.

Here's how you can get involved -

1. Make sure you have recieved a Lift the Lid petition card and make sure you have ordered enough for your freinds and family to sign. To order your cards free click here

2. Write to your MP. It cannot be overemphasised how important this is to make change happen. Let your MP know that this debt is unjust, immoral and that the UK must cancel it immediately. For more information concerning writing to your MP click here

3. What we need finally is for all the MPs in Scotland to be lobbied on this issue. For this we need all your petition cards to be collected and delivered to your MP. Click here if you want to be involved with others in your community.








































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Last modified 04-Nov-2008

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